
Integration According to Business Needs – Odoo ERP 

After installing Odoo ERP software, it is necessary to proceed with system integration based on your business needs.

The process involves:

Configuring the database settings

Entering company information

Configuring the functionalities to be used.

Οdоо ERP allows integration with other software and systems used by the business, with the aim to ensure maximum efficiency in business process management.

Integration with Electronic Banking

For real-time tracking of cash flows and payments on invoices, orders, and more. With this functionality, your finances are always under control, and the risk of errors in payment data entry, missing deadlines, and more, is minimised.

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Integration with POS Terminals

Οdоо ERP integrates quickly and easily with POS terminal devices installed at your retail outlets. 
This allows for full real-time synchronisation between POS payments and your ERP system, a factor that also facilitates your accounting processes.

Integration with Other External Platforms and Online Stores

Οdоо ERP offers this solution to closely monitor your sales.
Moreover, the software can be integrated with various external platforms depending on the specific needs of your business.

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