
Privacy Policy

In light of the enforcement of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and considering the efforts of Odoo Pro Ltd. to strictly comply with all its obligations arising from the applicable national and European regulations in the field of processing and protecting personal data, we would like to inform you of the following:

Odoo Pro Ltd. is a company registered in compliance with the requirements of the Commerce Act and entered in the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-profit Legal Entities at the Bulgarian Registry Agency with Uniform Identification Code (EIK) 207369728, with its headquarters and address of the place of management at str. General Gurko № 64, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria.

You can contact us using the following details:

Mailing address: str. General Gurko № 64, Sofia, Bulgaria;

Phone: +359 87 922 91 38;

e-mail: info@odoopro.bg

In the course of its operations, Odoo Pro Ltd. collects and processes personal data of the following data subjects:

Employees (current and former);

– Job applicants;

– Clients and contractors – individuals and/or employees and representatives of legal entities;

– Visitors to the odoopro.bg website who do not fall into any of the above categories but have provided their personal data in connection with the use of its functionalities.

Through this Privacy Policy, we would like to inform you about the personal data we process, the purposes for which we process them, and your rights.

Please be advised that the website of “Odo Pro” Ltd., odoopro.bg, uses “cookies” to gather information about the behavior of website visitors, including data that may be considered personal. For more information on what cookies are, what types we use, and others, you can review our Cookie Policy, accessible here.


Odoo Pro Ltd. processes the personal data of its employees (current and former) in its capacity as an employer and in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

The personal data of employees that we process include name, Personal Identification Number (EGN)/date of birth, address, passport details, gender, data related to physical identity, as well as data regarding health status, remuneration, education, employment history, professional qualifications, marital status, and family relationships, and contact information (phone number, email address, bank account).

Health status data constitutes sensitive information that we process solely and exclusively in cases provided by law, such as when processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person, when the data subject has given explicit consent, or when processing is necessary for the purposes of fulfilling obligations and/or exercising rights of Odoo Pro Ltd. under labor and/or social security law and for the purposes of preventive and/or occupational medicine.

In the event that you do not provide us with the required information, including necessary personal data, it will not be possible to conclude an employment contract between you and Odoo Pro Ltd., or Odoo Pro Ltd. will be unable to fulfill its legal and contractual obligations arising from its status as an employer.

As an employee of Odoo Pro Ltd., your personal data may be processed for one of the following purposes:

– For concluding and/or executing an employment contract;

– To fulfill and/or comply with our legal obligations;

– For the legitimate interests of Odoo Pro Ltd.;

– When you have given explicit consent.

Odoo Pro Ltd. will not retain your data for a period longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are processed. During the storage of your personal data, we follow the statutory defined retention periods, as well as consider the quantity, nature, and sensitivity of the data, the purposes for which we process them, and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means.

Upon fulfilling the purpose for which your personal data are processed or upon the expiration of the legal obligation and/or our legitimate interest, we will securely erase or destroy your personal data.

Odoo Pro Ltd. has the right to disclose your personal data to:

– Its employees whose performance of their job functions require the processing of such data on its behalf;

– Public authorities in the fulfillment of its legal obligations or protection of legitimate interests;

– Occupational medical services, companies providing internal audit services, human resources management service providers, accounting, legal, IT, banking, insurance, social service providers, and/or other service providers for the fulfillment of contractual or legal obligations and for the protection of its legitimate interests.

Please be informed that we shallll not disclose your personal data to other external organizations, entities, individuals, whether physical or legal, except for those mentioned above. An exception to the foregoing is permissible only in the presence of a legal obligation or your explicit consent.

Odoo Pro Ltd. applies all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and will periodically update these measures.

In the event that your data is provided to third parties, we require them to have implemented necessary technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.

1.2 Privacy Policy Regarding Job Applicants

Odoo Pro Ltd. processes personal data of job applicants during the recruitment procedures, in accordance with the provisions of these rules.

The personal data of job applicants that we process includes name, date of birth, address, nationality, education, employment history, and professional qualification (including knowledge and practical skills), photograph, contact information (phone number, email address, and in certain cases – social media membership), and other data provided by the applicant.

In the event that you do not provide us with the required information, including necessary personal data, Odoo Pro Ltd. will not be able to consider you for the recruitment procedure you have expressed interest in, and this may affect your chances of being approved for the position you are applying for.

We may process your personal data for one of the following purposes:

Odoo Pro Ltd. will retain the personal data of unsuccessful job applicants for a period not exceeding 6 (six) months after the completion of the selection procedure. We will not retain your data for a period longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are processed. During the storage of your personal data, we follow the statutory retention periods, as well as consider the quantity, nature, and sensitivity of the data, the purposes for which we process them, and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means. Upon fulfilling the purpose for which your personal data are processed or upon the expiration of the legal obligation and/or our legitimate interest, we will securely erase or destroy your personal data.

Odoo Pro Ltd. has the right to disclose your personal data to:

– Its employees whose job functions require the processing of such data on its behalf;

– Public authorities in the fulfillment of its legal obligations or protection of legitimate interests;

– Companies providing internal audit services, personnel recruitment services, IT service providers, and other service providers for the fulfillment of contractual or legal obligations and for the protection of its legitimate interests.

Please be informed that we will not disclose your personal data to other external organizations, entities, individuals, whether physical or legal, except for those mentioned above. An exception to the foregoing is permissible only in the presence of a legal obligation or your explicit consent.

Odoo Pro Ltd. applies all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and will periodically update these measures. In the event that your data is provided to third parties, we require them to have implemented necessary technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.

1.3 Privacy Policy for Customers and Contractors

Odoo Pro Ltd. processes personal data of its customers and contractors in the course of fulfilling contractual relationships with them, as outlined in these Rules. The personal data of Customers and Contractors – individuals and/or employees and representatives of legal entities – that we process include: names, personal identification numbers or other identification numbers, addresses, professional qualifications (including practical knowledge and skills and/or positions held), contact details (telephone, email address, bank account).

Providing this data is voluntary and, at the same time, absolutely necessary for the conclusion of a contract between you and Odoo Pro Ltd. In this regard, we inform you that the execution of the contract on our part is only possible if we have the personal data provided by you. In the event that you do not wish to provide your personal data, please note that Odoo Pro Ltd. will not be able to enter into a contract with you.

We may process your personal data for the following purposes:

– Conclusion and/or execution of a concluded contract;

– To fulfill and/or comply with our legal obligations;

– For the purposes of our legitimate interests or those of a third party;

– When you have provided your explicit consent.

The personal data provided by you will be stored by Odoo Pro Ltd. for the duration of the contractual relationship with you.

Upon termination of the contract, your personal data will be deleted or securely destroyed, except in cases where there is a legitimate interest and/or legal basis that obliges Odoo Pro Ltd. to continue their storage and/or processing, or if explicit consent has been given by the data subject for additional storage for other purposes.

Odoo Pro Ltd. has the right to disclose your personal data to:

– Its employees whose job functions require the processing of such data on its behalf;

– Public authorities in the fulfillment of its legal obligations or protection of legitimate interests;

– Companies providing internal audit services, marketing and advertising services, accounting, IT, legal, banking, and other services for the fulfillment of contractual or legal obligations and for the protection of its legitimate interests.

Please be informed that we will not disclose your personal data to other external organizations, entities, individuals, whether physical or legal, except for those mentioned above. An exception to the foregoing is permissible only in the presence of a legal obligation or your explicit consent.

Odoo Pro Ltd. applies all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and will periodically update these measures. In the event that your data is provided to third parties, we require them to have implemented necessary technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.

1.4 Privacy Policy Applicable to the Collection of Personal Data in the Online Environment

The provisions in this section 1.4 apply to specific cases of collecting personal data in the online environment. Such cases include the use of contact forms available on the website of Odoo Pro Ltd. by its visitors (including those falling into one of the categories of data subjects listed in sections 1.1 – 1.3 above), as well as online registration for participation in events organized by Odoo Pro Ltd. (conferences, training, seminars, or others).

1.4.1 Odoo Pro Ltd. processes the following personal data of visitors to the website odoopro.bg who have used any of the contact forms: names, email addresses, phone numbers, organization, position in the respective organization, and the content of the inquiry/message or any other statement sent through the contact forms.

Please note that the website of Odoo Pro Ltd. uses “cookies” to collect information about the behavior of website visitors, including information that constitutes personal data. For more information about what cookies are, what types we use, and others, you can familiarize yourself with our Cookie Policy, accessible here.

In addition, you should be aware that the website of Odoo Pro Ltd. contains buttons linking to other websites, social networks, and others, which redirect to the respective profiles of Odoo Pro Ltd. In case you wish to use them, please note that this will result in the disclosure of information regarding your membership/activities in the respective social networks. The mentioned categories of data are voluntarily provided by you, and in case you do not wish to provide them, we inform you that you will not be able to use the functionality of our contact forms and some of the features of our website.

Odoo Pro Ltd. processes the provided personal data for the following purposes:

– To process your inquiry/message or any other statement and respond to it;

– To take steps towards concluding a contract (provided that your inquiry/message or any other statement has such a nature);

– For the purposes of our legitimate interests or those of a third party;

– For marketing purposes, when you have provided your explicit consent.

Odoo Pro Ltd. will not retain your data for a period longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are processed. In storing your personal data, we adhere to the statutory retention periods, as well as to the quantity, nature, and sensitivity of the data, the purposes for which we process them, and whether we can achieve these purposes through other means.

After achieving the purpose for which your personal data is processed or after the cessation of legal obligations and/or our legitimate interest, we will securely delete or destroy your personal data.

Odoo Pro Ltd. has the right to disclose your personal data to:

– Its employees, whose job functions require the processing of such data on its behalf;

– Public authorities in compliance with its legal obligations or for the protection of legitimate interests;

– Service providers in the fields of marketing and advertising, legal services, or other service providers for the fulfillment of contractual or legal obligations, as well as for the protection of its legitimate interests.

We inform you that we will not provide your personal data to any other external organizations, entities, physical and/or legal persons, except those mentioned above. An exception to the foregoing is permissible only in the presence of a legal obligation or upon your explicit consent.
Odoo Pro Ltd. implements all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and will periodically update these measures. In the event that your data is provided to third parties, we require them to implement the necessary technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.

1.4.2. Odoo Pro Ltd. processes the following personal data of individuals who have expressed their interest in participating in training, seminars, conferences, and other events organized by Odoo Pro Ltd. through online registration: first and last names, email address, phone number, organization, and position held in the respective organization.

Providing this data is voluntary and, at the same time, absolutely necessary for you to participate in the organized training, seminar, conference, or other event.

In this regard, we inform you that fulfilling the obligations of Odoo Pro Ltd. is only possible if we have the personal data provided by you. In case you do not wish to provide your personal data, we notify you that Odoo Pro Ltd. will not be able to include you as a participant in the organized event (training, seminar, conference, or other).

Additionally, you should be aware that, depending on the specific case, online registration may be performed using the features provided by social networks and others. If you choose to use them, please note that this will result in the disclosure of information about your membership in the respective social networks.

We may process your personal data for the following purposes:

– To enter into and/or perform a contract (including your participation in relevant events such as conferences, seminars, training sessions, or others);

– To fulfill our legal obligations;

– For the legitimate interests of Odoo Pro Ltd. or a third party;

– For marketing purposes when you have provided your explicit consent.

The personal data provided by you will be stored by Odoo Pro Ltd. until they are no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which they were collected. After achieving these purposes, your personal data will be securely deleted or destroyed, except in cases where there is a legitimate interest and/or legal basis requiring Odoo Pro Ltd. to continue their storage and/or processing, or when explicit consent from the subject has been provided for additional storage for further purposes.

Odoo Pro Ltd. has the right to disclose your personal data to:

– Its employees, whose job functions require the processing of such data on its behalf;

– Public authorities in compliance with its legal obligations or for the protection of legitimate interests;

– Service providers in the fields of marketing and advertising, legal services, accounting, IT, banking, or other service providers for the fulfillment of contractual or legal obligations, as well as for the protection of its legitimate interests.

We inform you that we will not provide your personal data to any other external organizations, entities, physical and/or legal persons, except those mentioned above. An exception to the foregoing is permissible only in the presence of a legal obligation or upon your explicit consent.

Odoo Pro Ltd. implements all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and will periodically update these measures.

In the event that your data is provided to third parties, we require them to implement the necessary technical and organizational security measures to protect your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.


We would like to inform you that you have the right to request access to, correction, or deletion of your personal data held by Odoo Pro Ltd. You also have the right to restrict the processing of your provided personal data, the right to object to its processing, the right to data portability, as well as the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing.

You can exercise these rights by submitting an explicit request to the following email address: info@odoopro.bg or in writing to the address: str. General Gurko № 64, Sofia.

If the processing of your personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. You can withdraw your consent by using one of the following methods: sending an explicit request to the email address mentioned above or in writing to the address provided. Please note that the subsequent withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out by Odoo Pro Ltd. prior to the withdrawal.

In the event that you believe Odoo Pro Ltd. has violated your legal rights regarding the collection, processing, and storage of your personal data, you have the right to contact the Commission for Personal Data Protection or the competent courts. You are entitled to lodge a complaint outlining your concerns.


These Privacy Rules of Odoo Pro Ltd., effective from May 7, 2023, may be subject to periodic changes. You will be notified of any such changes via email or other appropriate means.