
Help and Complaints

Do you need any help to work with the software and modules available in the Odoo ERP system?

Feel free to contact our support team to submit an inquiry or provide a recommendation regarding the service.

Need Help? 

Odoo ERP is an intuitive software whose interface is designed to be used without any difficulty and/or the need for specialised knowledge by anyone. However, if you need assistance with the software and its individual modules, you can contact us at any time.
Our customer service and support staff are on hand to answer any questions you may have, resolve any issues that may arise, or provide assistance when you can’t manage yourself.

about us and our team
service improvement

Want to Improve the Service Parameters? 

Your opinion and recommendations to improve the quality of the service provided are important to us.

Our team will take into account every feedback, complaint, or recommendation received and will duly inform you on the development of the specific case.