
Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Οdоо ΕRΡ? 

Odoo ERP is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, a type of computer programme (software) that gathers and integrates information from all parts of an organisation – from the production department through the warehouse to accounting. ERP helps companies manage all their resources more effectively and streamline their business processes. Odoo ERP is an open-source ERP system used by over 7 million users worldwide.

2. What is the Goal of Οdоо ERP? 

Οdоо ERP integrates all business processes and information into a single system that enables centralised management. With its help, companies from various industries can monitor their resources, streamline their workflows, and make optimum business decisions. The system is organised on the basis of interconnected but independent modules (apps), the aim being to allow each company to choose only those of them that are applicable to its work.

3. How Much Does Οdоо ERP Cost?

Οdоо ERP is available in two versions – a free programme with limited functions and a paid programme which can be used both online and offline. When using the paid version of the programme, the price is calculated on a monthly basis (per user) and varies depending on the selected set of functions to operate. Services related to installation, configuration, integration, support and training of employees for working with the system are charged separately.

4. What Does the Implementation Process of Odoo ERP Include?

The process includes consultations, analysis of business processes, preparation of an implementation plan, installation, configuration, addition of custom features, testing of configured and developed modules, staff training and following the recommendations of the ERP system provider.

5. How Long Does it Take to Implement Οdоо ERP?

The time to implement  the system depends on the specific case, the size of the company, the requirements for the functions to be used, and other factors. Typically, it takes between 3 and 6 months. This period includes researching and analysing needs, preparation, installation, integration, and staff training.

6. What Hosting Can I Use?

There is no limit to the type of hosting when using the programme. Depending on the chosen version, Odoo ERP can be hosted locally or on a cloud-hosting provider. It can also be used online on odoo.com, as well as on the odoo.sh comprehensive platform for rent with included hardware resources.

7. Can You Develop Additional Functionalities?

Yes, in Odoo ERP, one or more additional functionalities can be developed and personalised for the needs of your company. The assessment of the need for this, as well as the specification of the particulars of the respective development, are carried out in the analysis phase.

8. I Started a New Company. Can You Connect it to the Odoo ERP System?

Yes, there can be several company profiles in Odoo ERP that can be connected and managed through the system.

9. Can You Train New Employees in My Company to Work with ERP?

Yes, training employees to work with the ERP system is an integral part of the service we offer. We do not launch the implemented ERP system until we ensure that the training has been successfully completed. If you later hire new employees, you can turn to us for a new training.

10. Can I See a Demo Version of the System?

Yes, the demo version is an essential part of the service package we offer. It is launched during the employee training process and is used to clean up any potential errors and omissions before the actual system launch.

11. Who From my Company Should Participate in the Configuration Process of the ΕRΡ System?

Employees from relevant departments such as accounting, sales, marketing, etc., should participate in the process of configuring the ERP system. The personal commitment of the managerial team is also crucial for the successful completion of the process.

12. What is the Advantage of Integrated ΕRΡ Systems for My Company?

Integrated ΕRΡ systems allow companies to manage all aspects of their operations (production, sales, finances, etc.) through a centralised software package. This not only leads to process optimisation but also increases efficiency and reduces the risk of errors.

13. What is the Difference Between Integrated ΕRΡ Systems and Other Software Solutions?

Integrated ΕRΡ systems are a centralised software package that allows companies to manage all aspects of their business. This is different from other software solutions that focus only on specific aspects of a business, such as finances or sales management. The integrity of ΕRΡ systems allows for the one-time input of information for a given business process for the needs of all departments.

14. What is the Procedure for Implementing an ΕRΡ System in My Company?

The procedure for integrating an ΕRΡ system includes an assessment of current business processes, selection of a suitable software package, system setup and configuration, employee training, development and testing of additional functionalities, and finally data migration. Odo Pro has an experienced team that will assist you at every stage of the process.

15. What Guarantees that the integrated ΕRΡ System Will Work Smoothly?

The quality of our services and products is guaranteed by our years of experience and successful implementation of ΕRΡ systems for numerous companies in this country. After the integration of each system, we provide its maintenance, taking care of its regular updates and smooth operation.

16. What is your Company’s Specialisation in Integrating ΕRΡ Systems?

Our team has solid experience in integrating ΕRΡ systems for various business sectors in Bulgaria. We have worked with leading market systems and successfully utilise the accumulated experience in integrating Odoo ERP at the respective company.

17. How Can I Choose a Suitable Software Package for My Company?

The procedure for selecting the appropriate software package involves several stages:

– Assessment of business processes;

– Research of company needs;

– Market analysis;

We will offer you the most suitable solution that meets your individual needs and budget..

18. What is the Procedure for Data Migration to the New ΕRΡ System?

The procedure for data migration to the new ΕRΡ system includes: 

– Extraction of data from the old system;

– Data conversion (if necessary);

– Loading the new data into the system;

We will assist you in this process from start to finish to ensure that all data is migrated smoothly.